
Peer-reviewed academic journals, conference-best-paper proceedings, books, and book chapters

Haefner, N., Palmié, M., & Leppänen, P. T. (2023). With(out) a little help from my friends? Reconciling incongruous findings on stakeholder management, innovation, and firm performance. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 47(1), 142-171.

Miehé, L., Palmié, M., & Oghazi, P. (2022). Connection successfully established: How complementors use connectivity technologies to join existing ecosystems–Four archetype strategies from the mobility sector. Technovation, 102660.

Rad, F. F., Oghazi, P., Palmié, M., Chirumalla, K., Pashkevich, N., Patel, P. C., & Sattari, S. (2022). Industry 4.0 and supply chain performance: A systematic literature review of the benefits, challenges, and critical success factors of 11 core technologies. Industrial Marketing Management, 105, 268-293.

Schweitzer, F., Palmié, M., Gassmann, O., Kahlert, J., & Roeth, T. (2022). Open innovation for institutional entrepreneurship: how incumbents induce institutional change to advance autonomous driving. R&D Management, 52(3), 465-483.

Lekkas, C. K., & Souitaris, V. (2022). Bureaucracy meets digital reality: The unfolding of urban platforms in European municipal governments. Organization Studies, 01708406221130857.

Practitioner-oriented journals, industry publications, and newspaper articles

Palmié, M. (2022). Expert contribution – interview: Sustainable operations through energy efficiency. ABB Report, 9AKK108466A8889.

Zobel, A.-K., Bencsik, B., Kubli, M. D., Markard, J., Palmié, M., & Wemyss, D. (2020). Erfolg durch Partnerschaft: Neue Kollaborationsmodelle für einen Energiemarkt im Wandel. SCCER CREST White Paper, No. 9, April 2020.

Gassmann, O., Palmié, M., Böhm, J., & Bömelburg, R. (2017). Innovationsmanagement im Energiesektor. EMW: Zeitschrift für Energie, Markt, Wettbewerb, Ausgabe 4/2017.

Gassmann, O., Homann, F., & Palmié, M. (2016). Multis schätzen die Nähe zu Hochschulen. Die Volkswirtschaft, Ausgabe 5/2016, S. 28-31.

Palmié, M., Keupp, M. M., & Gassmann, O. (2014). How to motivate subsidiaries to share useful know-How with others in the group. Ideas for Leaders, 444.