ASCEND The EU-funded project ASCEND seeks to speed up and scale the implementation of positive, clean energy districts (PCED) across Europe. For this, we will jointly realize solutions and business models in fields ranging from energy communities to mobility and energy-efficient buildings in eight European cities.

Project Information

ASCEND will:

Deliver two inclusive, affordable positive, clean energy districts (PCED) in Lyon and Munich;

Successfully "bootstrap" implementation of PCEDs in the Multiplier Cities of Alba Iulia (RO), Budapest (HU), Charleroi (BE), Prague (CZ), Porto (PT), Stockholm (SE);

Scale-up solution packages for a large community of cities and investors across Europe;

Disseminate the project results widely to the smart cities community.

Our role:

To achieve the project goal of developing scalable PCED solutions, we will contribute our business model expertise to the project.

Together with our international team of project partners, we aim to develop and implement scalable business models in a variety of fields ranging from energy communities to mobility and energy-efficient buildings across Europe.

The EU
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ASCEND The EU-funded project ASCEND seeks to speed up and scale the implementation of positive, clean energy districts (PCED) across Europe. For this, we will jointly realize solutions and business models in fields ranging from energy communities to mobility and energy-efficient buildings in eight European cities.


Together with our industry partner Siemens, we explore the potential of the Metaverse.


The goal of CoSi (Co-Evolution and Coordinated Simulation of the Swiss Energy System and Swiss Society) is to explore the interactions between political, regulatory and societal frameworks and the evolution of the energy system. This transdisciplinary expertise from the natural sciences, engineering, economics, social sciences and the humanities will be incorporated into simulation models and enable more meaningful scenario analyses to successfully shape the energy transition.